Cumbria Times
A Voice of the Free Press
1:02 AM 26th February 2024

10 in 10: Sarah Cookson

Sarah Cookson, director, solicitor and head of the residential conveyancing department at award-winning law firm, Switalskis is the latest regional professional in the hot seat as the p.ublished group of newspapers gives her just 10 minutes to answer our 10 burning questions.

What does your typical working day involve?

I always wake up before the alarm yet still manage to get up late!

I like to exercise before work - either doing yoga or going for a run. Either is great as it sets me up for the day. Some days include the school drop off.

I then head to the office - I like to go into the office to see colleagues and join in with the banter.

After work I run, spend time with my girls or catch up with friends.

What makes Switalskis special?

We are a big firm now, yet each office still has its own community feel and every office you visit is full of friendly faces.

Do you have any business rules that you swear by?

Be me! Treat others as I expect to be treated.

Do you dress up or down for work?

Both, but I mostly dress up. Every Friday since lockdown I wear a dress #frocksonfriday

What piece of advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Do you!

What’s your favourite Yorkshire venue for an event or team away day?

Aldwark Manor. For the last couple of years, we’ve held our directors away day here. The venue, rooms, staff, food and service are all excellent. It provides a perfect setting for us to all meet at and celebrate our success.

How do you prefer to travel for business?

I like to go on the train but dislike the delays/cancellations. So, I prefer to head off in the car listening to an audiobook or podcast.

What’s your favourite place in Yorkshire to relax?
Home! I’m very much a home bird and live in a beautiful part of Yorkshire that takes my breath away.

Where is your favourite place to eat in Yorkshire and what dish do you recommend?

I love Italian food. I’m fortunate that there are some lovely family-run Italian restaurants in and around Knaresborough that I visit. In Knaresborough I’d certainly recommend ‘Two Brothers’. The calzones there are second to none.

What do you miss most about Yorkshire when you’re away?

I miss the familiarity of Yorkshire, the accent, the friendliness, the views!