Cumbria Times
Weekend Edition
8:00 AM 13th June 2021

Heart Research UK Healthy Tip - Keep Hydrated

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by Dr Helen Flaherty, Head of Health Promotion at Heart Research UK

14th to 20th June is Nutrition and Hydration week. Staying hydrated is important for keeping your heart and circulatory system healthy. Thirst often feels similar to hunger, so drinking plenty of fluid can prevent over-eating and weight-gain. We have some tips to help you stay hydrated.

Am I dehydrated?

Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, tiredness, irritability and difficulty concentrating. If your urine is pale and clear then you are hydrated. If your urine is more yellow, brown or dark in colour with a strong smell, you are probably not drinking enough.

How much should I drink?

Aim to drink six to eight cups or glasses of fluid every day. You may need to drink more during hot weather, or if you are doing a lot of physical activity.

What should I drink?

Water is best, but if you don’t like water, you could try herbal teas or sugar-free squash. Coffee and tea also count, but try to cut out any added sugar. You can get water from fruit and vegetables, such as cucumber, watermelon, tomatoes, oranges and apples. Avoid drinking too much alcohol as it causes you to urinate more, which can lead to dehydration.

Heart Research UK
Proud to stand out from the crowd, Heart Research UK is the charity dedicated to your heart. They inspire and invest in pioneering medical research, ground-breaking training and education, and in communities to improve their heart health for themselves. For over 50 years they have driven advancements in the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease to benefit patients as soon as possible.

You can find more healthy tips, recipes and advice at